Well, a few days back I published an article about just that called Stop and Smell the Roses. One technique involved choosing an activity that gives you happiness and doing it that day, no excuses. Well, I am adding a twist. I am going to give myself several options to choose from to suit my mood and time constraints, and then I am going to do one.
These are my options for today:
- Taking pictures
- Sending link of my butterfly Flickr page to my friend
- Watch a Tudor (Season 2) episode
- Hand feed chickens
- Repot a plant
- Walk the dogs
- Explore the small life at the pond
- Download a song
- Learn a new chord on the guitar
- Go to a movie
- Find freebies
All right. So, we have the option list--what next? The next is holding myself accountable through writing about it--in my case, blogging. Every day, I'll post my option list, my selection, and any musings that relate to it. That's it. Simple, huh?
As you can see, it is not hard to pursue happiness instead of just waiting for it to come find you. All you have to do is come up with things that make you happy, do one of them, and then either write about it in a personal journal or post it on your blog. If you post it on your blog, consider sharing your entries with your friends. Your friends may want to support your endeavors or even try it for themselves. So let me know, did you pursue your happiness today?
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